Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My New Nail Paint Rack

Posted by Swapna at Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2 comments

Hello girls! I would love to show my new nail polish organizer. It is a small cute shelf. I went to market and at Xenox, I found this shelf and that too on 50% discount. 

I love to keep my things organize. It helps to prevent us from wasting time. And as my nail polish collection is growing, so I had to find something that will help me store my lovely nail paints properly. I was using shoe box to store my nails till now. It was not handy enough for me. I really had hard time finding what I was looking for and I found this:milkysmile 

This shelf is really useful. All my  nails fits into it.milkysmile I had organized all my nail paints according to brands. You can keep at least 12 nail paint sin one block,so you can keep around 70 nail paints in this box. This shelf works for me.

I was planning to build one myself. But before I start to build one, I found this one. I am not building a nail rack till this one overflows, which will not take long.milkysmile 

Isn't it cool? Easy and manageable.

So, if you have any better ways, please let me know! 

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Republic Day Nails

Posted by Swapna at Sunday, January 26, 2014 1 comments

Wish you all a very Happy Republic Day
I am not in India at this moment but I miss India so much. So, I thought to pay to India in my own way. :)


These nails features mainly all three colors of our tricolor flag. Oh! I miss those days, getting up early in morning, going to school and paying tribute to our beloved Indian flag. A dance parade by singing patriotic songs. <3

On thumb I made a waving tricolor flag. On middle finger, we all Indian in all different colors, but still together and united. Then I painted India gate, our national monument. 

I hope you all like it and have a good day. Happy Republic Day once again.


Jai Hind! Long Live india! :)Flag of India  

Used nail paints: 

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Valentines Day Nails

Posted by Swapna at Friday, January 24, 2014 0 comments

Hello everyone! I know it is 20 days too early but I thought of starting with Valentine's day nail art. I had made a collection of nail arts for Valentine's day. 

The first set is full of glittering hearts. It is very simple to do nails. I got these glittering nails for free along with other 3D nails which you will see below. Isn't it wonderful? I think pink base will also be a good combination. Have to try it once. 

This one is free hand Valentine's Day nails. Red, color of love is a base color. I uses acrylic white and black to make a free hand drawing on red nail paint.Its a great combination of colors. <3

For next nails, I used China Glaze Under the Broad Walk and China Glaze Crackle Oxidized Aqua to create crackle nails. For a thumb finger I used China Glaze Liquid Leather and 3D hearts. Full of love!! :D

The nails below are painted using China Glaze Hey Sailor. I used  Essie Blanc for second finger with dots made from black acrylic color and 3d Nails. 

This one I had made last year but was just getting used to the blogging. This is also used with Essie Blanc and black acrylic color. Wrote some love letters and messages which I only I can understand and a letter envelope with a heart in middle.

Thanks for checking out my Valentine's day nail art collection, hope you liked it!! :* :) XOXOXO

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Retro / Vintage Nails

Posted by Swapna at Thursday, January 23, 2014 0 comments

Hello! I just thought of making something colorful and retro style.  I started searching and this is what I found as an inspiration. Isn't it beautiful??

It is really such a fun design and I think it will be great to wear these nails during spring.

 Thank you so much for visiting Swap That Nails.

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Breaking Bad Nails

Posted by Swapna at Thursday, January 23, 2014 0 comments

Hello there ! This time I had dedicated my nails to one of the best series ever- Breaking Bad. Everything is done using acrylic paint. Jesse Pinkman took the most time; to his expressions right.

I started watching the series last year, but stopped watching after first episode. Oh! Big Mistake. Again I started watching it in Novemebr and OMG! I can't believe I had put such an awesome series for hault. In one word this series is- FLAWLESS.

Hats off to Walter White, Jesse Pinkman and all others who had acted in this series.

For those who hadn't saw this series yet, I can make you familiar with the plot- Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher, family man who is diagnosed with lung cancer with short life expectancy.  To secure his family's financial future, he begins 'cooking' meth with his former student, Jesse Pinkman.

Next to that he has his brother-in-law, Hank Schrader, working for DEA, investigating and searching for ' Heisenberg'. You have to watch the series to follow his transformation from family man to a kingpin of the drug trade.

So dedicating these nails to Breaking bad, I painted synmol (Br)eaking (Ba)d, Walter White (his face-cut is not that perfect), Jesse Pinkman- took most effort, Heisenberg, Teddy Bear (without an eye); so I painted that eye on other nail to make it complete. 

The company's logo with Golden moth, which appears on a methyl-amine barrels in the series. And a chemical formula for I don't know what :D & last but not the least Saul Goodman's slogan- 'Better Call Saul'. So if you want a kind of guy " who knows a guy who knows a guy" then you should 'Better Call Saul'. 

Please spare me for facial expressions and how Walter White & Jesse turned out! 

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cute Floral Nail Art- Inspired by Fashion

Posted by Swapna at Tuesday, January 14, 2014 0 comments

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I was busy deciding what to paint on my nails. I 've got something unusual than my other posts. A nail design inspired by Fashion which kept me busy whole weekend. This is my first time to design something like this.

This one is inspire from Women's Fashion Magazine. Super easy and super cute.

Hope you all enjoy it!

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Fake Nail Review

Posted by Swapna at Monday, January 13, 2014 0 comments

I got a review on my nails. 

Ik vind het prachtig om een kleurtje op mijn nagels te hebben maar daarvoor moeten je nagels wel een goede vorm hebben en er een beetje mooi uit zien. Gelukkig zijn er ook nepnagels, deze verdoezelen je eigen nagels en het ziet er meteen mooi uit.
Ik heb nu weer een setje nagels van SwapThatWorld en graag wil ik deze voor jullie reviewen. Ik heb gekozen voor een setje rode nagels met aan de bovenkant een mooie afwerking.
P1050057 thumb Review: Fake nails van SwapThatWorldOp het eerste gezicht zien de nagels er goed uit. Je ziet echter wel verschil met deze nagels en de nagels die je bij de Hema of Primark koopt, dit is niet meteen een slecht iets want zo kan het wel natuurlijker zijn en het lijken alsof je het zelf hebt gelakt.
Ik heb van mezelf geen super lange nagels maar een gewone, mooie lengte en dan is het toch wel heel erg wennen als ik deze nagels op heb omdat deze een stuk langer zijn. Persoonlijk vind ik nagels op deze lengte niet fijn maar dit verschilt heel erg per persoon. Als je het gewend bent om lange nagels op te hebben dan moet het geen enkel probleem zijn.
P1050059 thumb Review: Fake nails van SwapThatWorldHier zie je goed het verschil tussen mijn eigen nagels en de nepnagels qua lengte.
De nagels zien er wel heel erg leuk uit maar ze zijn niet handig om op een doordeweekse dag op te hebben en vooral niet als je het huis wil schoonmaken of moet werken.
De nagels zijn hier verkrijgbaar en verschillen per prijs omdat ze voor je op maat worden gemaakt. De nagels die ik heb kostten €8,00.
image thumb Review: Fake nails van SwapThatWorld

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Death Note Nails- v.2

Posted by Swapna at Thursday, January 02, 2014 0 comments
These are Death Note nails. I hope you all like watching manga too :). I had hand- painted the characters which I like the most- L (<3), Kira (Yagami Light), Shinigami Ryuk, Shinigami Rem, Shinigami Sidoh. I would like to know which are your personal favorite. I am really happy with the result. I hope you like them too. Here you can check Death Note v.1. Oh! I love Death Note <3<3<3
You can buy them too. Here

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