Thursday, February 13, 2014

Flames Nails

Posted by Swapna at Thursday, February 13, 2014 0 comments

I wanted to attempt flame nails, but not really flames of fire.

Just wanted something different, so tried this one with glittery nail paint. I used grey color as a background with a shiny black flames.

          But next time, I will try to make fire on flames or may be with different color combinations.

Grey Nail Polish: Safari nail polish HD 36


Glittery Nail polish:  NYC Rock Muse Smokey Nail Top Coat. This one is cheap but gives nice effect!
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dandelion Nails

Posted by Swapna at Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2 comments

I wanted to make some cute and sweet design on nails. I was searching and searching the whole internet and I came across these dandelions nails. Photobucket

So simple yet so cute. I wish my fingernails hadn't been occupied otherwise I would have made this one for sure. Maybe next time. This is the time I feel we should have some more fingers. Photobucket

I saw it first on MadManis. She had made a really good tutorial , if you want to try it. You can check that tutorial. I would really like you to try this nails.

I made my versions of nails in which birds starts flying when you blow up a dandelion. I used Safari HO 34 as a background color. It turned out to be really beautiful.

I really love blowing dandelions and making wishes. It is not a flower, but a weed; yet so sensitive and beautiful. I feel like writing this lines:

Just grab a dandelion in your hands
Close your eyes and blow the spores away
Make a wish
& believe it will grow someday.

What do you think of these nails? Had you tried them too?
If you have any suggestions or recommendations , please let me know!! Enjoy!

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