Sunday, February 17, 2013

Death Note Nail Art

Posted by Swapna at Sunday, February 17, 2013

I am big fan of Death Note too. So as you can see thumb- Ryuk's apple , Kira's symbol, Yagami Light, L( my favorite <3 ) and L symbol. These all are made with use of acrylic. I hope you all like these nails. 
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Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!!!
As a fellow Death Note fan (and L lover), I couldn't help but get overly excited at the sight of these!!!!!
I love the shading you did on their faces as well as the composition of having their symbols and faces on each side.
I can only hope to become as skilled as you are with acrylics on nails.
I can't believe it took me so long to come across your work but I can say i'm so glad I did!
Truly amazing stuff!
I'm curious as to what future anime-inspired nail art you will accomplish.
Again, absolutely love these! Keep up the fantastic work!
and I hope you have a wonderful day! :)

Swapna said...

Thank you so much! I am really glad that you liked it!Each word count! I would love to see your work though! :) May be we can learn from each other. Have a good day!

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